Oxidation Ditches
S&N Airoflo products have been utilized in all types of wastewater applications including Activated Sludge Basins, Oxidation Ditches, Aerobic Digesters, EQ Basins as well as Lagoons.
Aerobic Digesters

Activated Sludge Basins

Oxidation Ditches

Cold Weather Applications

Quick and Simple Installation

All in a matter of hours, not days
Splash Containment Shield SCS (Cold Weather Application)

Located on Southeastern Tip of Lake Micihigan
Orbal RetroFit with Bridge Anchoring System



- 200 HP Orbal System
- Fits rotor installed in 2005, with additional units purchased over the following 18 months
- Over next two years, added eight more units for a total of 135 HP
- Currently operating severl units on DO probes, with one or two units rarely operating.
Aerator access attached to bridges

Optional safety harness masts

Bridge Anchoring System with EZ Access

In operating position

In position for access

- The Extension Connecting Brackets were mounted to the top surface of the concrete bridge, enabling quick and easy access.
- Access to the floating brush rotors was made possible through the use of the existing bearing mounting piers.
Bridge and Aerator Installation

System shut down not required

Installation is quick and easy
Cable Anchoring System with EZ Access

FBR – Cable Mounted
- Ditch flush with ground
- EZ Access from sides
- SCS Splash Containment Shields