Case Histories
S&N Airoflo products have been utilized in all types of wastewater applications including Activated Sludge Basins, Oxidation Ditches, Aerobic Digesters, EQ Basins as well as Lagoons.
S&N Airoflo products can be used in any aerated basin or lagoon that needs aeration, no matter the size or shape. These are not just surface units – Mixing Depth & Homogeneous Mixing are not issues.
Aerobic Digesters

Activated Sludge Basins

Oxidation Ditches

Cold Weather Applications

Case History of Franklin, NC


Upgrade of 200 HP Orbital Oxidation System
Wayne Price, Plant Operator
- In early 2006, the city of Franklin purchased a single S&N Airoflo 2000 Series 15 HP Floating Brush Rotor with EZ Access platforms and Allen Bradley SMC Soft Starts.
- Over the next 18 months, the city purchased eight more units, for a total of 135 HP.
- In 2008, DO monitors were added to three of the units.
- According to Wayne Price, plant operator, it is fairly typical for the plant to leave one to three of the units un-operational because of the DO levels.
- Wayne also states that the plant is running better than ever, and he always seems to have plenty of DO.
Case History of Fitzgerald, GA

Power Savings
- Original system consisted of 50 HP Orbal system in a digester.
- This system was replaced with two S&N Airoflo 15 HP Floating Brush Rotors (one unit in 2000, another unit in 2002).
- The results were improved Mixing and Oygen Levels, with less Energy used.
Case History of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Legend: 20 Hp S&N Airoflo Aerator (360 HP total)
Lynn Aiken, General Manager (ret.) INISA
- In 2004, INISA purchased eighteen S&N Airoflo 2000 Series 20 HP Floating Brush Rotors.
- Competition recommended 650 HP of vertical splashers.
- Activated sludge application for the washing of blue jeans material
- DO was determining parameter
- Lynn Aiken: “The maintenance engineer tells me (the units) are in service and they are happy with the performance.. You have a great product.”
- Unique Situation: Existing basin, along with extremely high DO requirements dictated the very close placement of the 20 HP units
Case History of Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Upgrade of Existing Oxidation Ditches
Howard Gray, Environmental Specialist IV, TDCJ
- Between 2004 and 2008, TDCJ has upgraded oxidation at five sites with S&N Airoflo Floating Brush Rotors, Bridges and EZ Access Systems.
- As of May, 2009, Howard Gray, Environmental Specialist IV at TDCJ, was in the process of purchasing 12 more units, with plans on “replacing all my fixed aerators within the next 5 to 7 years with S&N (products).”
Case History of White Oak, TX

Oxidation Ditch Upgrade Eight 15 HP Units Replacing Fixed Rotors
Tom Fulton, Water/Wastewater Manager
- Between October, 2005 and October, 2006, the city of White Oak spent approximately $30,000 in repairs to existing rotor equipment, and $40,000 in electrical costs.
- In March 2007, the City of White Oak purchased eight S&N Airoflo 2000 Series 15 HP Floating Brush Rotor with EZ Access platforms.
- As a result, the electrical costs dropped to approximately $26,000 in 2008.
- “I truly believe the S&N Rotors have been the single best investment the City of White Oak has made since 2006. Our wastewater quality has never been better. We are now able to spend maintenance money on other equipment at the wastewater plant.”
Case History of Eufaula, AL


Activated Sludge Basin
- March, 2005: Vertical Units in two Activated Sludge Basins replaced with S&N Airoflo 20 HP Floating Brush Rotors (NOTE: This basin is 12′ deep)
- As a result, HP used was reduced from 330 to 240.
- Cycling units between October – April.
- Energy consumption reduced by 48%.
Case History of Eden, NC


Aerobic Digester Upgrade
- May, 2004: Vertical Splashers in Aerobic Digester replaced with four S&N Airoflo 20 HP Floating Brush Rotors (NOTE: This basin is 15′ deep)
- The original design recommendation called for two more units. However, budget restraints held the purchase to only four units, with a pledge to buy more. To date, there has not been a need for additional units.
Old Units | Vertical Splashers | 145 HP | D.O. 0.0 mg/l | 1/3 Never Mixed | 2-3 Days Decant |
Replaced With | S&N Airoflo Rotors | 80 HP | D.O. 1.0 mg/l | 90 – 95% Mixed | 20 – 24 Hours Decant |